How Urhahn works

Discover how Urhahn works: customised approach, open dialogue with various parties, clear process and a result that achieves broad support.

Our philosophy is based on the principles of the Spontaneous City, but each assignment is different. That’s why there’s no such thing as an unchanging Urhahn recipe. We tailor our approach, our team and the possible involvement of other experts to suit each assignment. That enables us to work with everybody involved to draw up plans, to get everybody committed, and to ensure everybody supports the final result.


For us, every project is unique. A number of recurring elements characterise our way of working. We always work closely with clients and stakeholders through working sessions, studios and other interactive methods. In addition, we involve various disciplines. Listening carefully is a basic skill required by urban designers, enabling them to incorporate the story behind the assignment. We also work closely with local authorities to smoothen the decision-making process.


Read more about our philosophy of the spontaneous city, meet our team and our clients, see with whom we work together, or read about the three decades of experience of Urhahn | urban design & strategy.